Fuleco the Armadillo
What a fantastic wallpaper we have for you here today featuring none other than Fuleco the Armadillo, otherwise known as the official mascot for the 2014 Fifa World Cup which of course is being held in Brazil. It is known that Fuleco is an Armadillo and is a three banded one which is native to the beautiful country of Brazil and is considered to be a vulnerable species. It is also known the Fuleco is a portmanteau, this being a combination of words or meanings to form a completely new word. In this case we have the Fu and l from Fuetbol, which means football and then we have the Eco from the word Ecologia which means Ecology.
Download Fuleco The Armadillo HD wallpaper for free.

Download 'fuleco the armadillo' HD wallpaper
Download this Fuleco The Armadillo for free in high resolution. This Fuleco The Armadillo wallpaper was added on. To save this HD wallpaper right-click on the image and choose "same image". This Fuleco The Armadillo wallpaper has been viewed 4466 times and is also available for desktop, iPad, iPhone and Android smartphones below.
Fuleco The Armadillo