Dramatic Skies

Tags: Landscapes & Scenery, , , Published August 30th, 2013

This is a fantastic High Definition photo taken of the setting sun where the focus is the colours the sunset has produced across the clouds left in the sky. As you can see, starting from the sunset, the clouds are still brilliantly lit, with the next bank of clouds turning the familiar orange and reds that we all know and love. Less seen, is the pink tinges of the smaller clouds in the middle of the picture, giving the photo a soft feel to it, until you look to the top of the photo and see the dark clouds, where the sunset has not reached. The dark land below also setting a contrast. A great HD photo!

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Dramatic Skies

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1024x768 (iPad Friendly), 113.66 KB - iPad (all generations)
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320x480 (iPhone), 23.13 KB - iPhone friendly

Dramatic Skies

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