Elvish Lettering

Tags: Movies, Published May 20th, 2013

Nestled in the centre of this dark brown and textured background, the golden, sweeping lettering of Elvish writing forms a circle of hidden intrigue. What words do the lettering make? What does it say? In all probability, this was taken from ‘The Lord of the Rings’ but even if it was not and it is just a copy of the writing used, it is a lovely piece, very delicate, light and decorative, and would look really great on any desktop.

Download Elvish Lettering HD wallpaper for free.

Elvish Lettering

Download 'elvish lettering' HD wallpaper

Download this Elvish Lettering for free in high resolution. This Elvish Lettering wallpaper was added on. To save this HD wallpaper right-click on the image and choose "same image". This Elvish Lettering wallpaper has been viewed 6707 times and is also available for desktop, iPad, iPhone and Android smartphones below.

High definition wallpaper download Elvish Lettering HD Wallpaper
1920x1080 (HD), 307.02 KB - High definition displays
High resolution wallpaper download Elvish Lettering High Resolution Wallpaper
1280x960 (High Resolution), 191.17 KB - Large displays
High quality wallpaper download Elvish Lettering Good Quality Wallpaper
1024x768 (Good Quality), 131.62 KB - Laptops & desktops
iPad wallpaper download Elvish Lettering iPad Wallpaper
1024x768 (iPad Friendly), 131.62 KB - iPad (all generations)
iPhone wallpaper download Elvish Lettering iPhone Wallpaper
320x480 (iPhone), 36.27 KB - iPhone friendly

Elvish Lettering

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