Hustle and Bustle of New York City
What a full wallpaper, here we’re displaying in HD and High Resolution the true hustle and bustle of the Big Apple in all it’s wonderful and commercial glory. The detailing is exquisite with the enormous amount of the infamous yellow cabs and the hundreds of people roaming the streets, and taller than life skyscrapers beckoning over the city. We also have the billboards and the ‘Y’ on the one building reflecting the grey and polluting dismay that may be the true, dark side of New York City.
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Download 'hustle and bustle of new york city' HD wallpaper
Download this Hustle And Bustle Of New York City for free in high resolution. This Hustle And Bustle Of New York City wallpaper was added on. To save this HD wallpaper right-click on the image and choose "same image". This Hustle And Bustle Of New York City wallpaper has been viewed 5841 times and is also available for desktop, iPad, iPhone and Android smartphones below.
Hustle And Bustle Of New York City